IB Programmes at KCISEC





IB Programmes at KCISEC

Introduction to the IB programmes at KCISEC

Kang Chiao International School East China Campus is a fully authorized IB World School, offering the Diploma Programme (DP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Primary Years Programme (PYP).

The Diploma Programme at KCISEC was inaugurated in September 2015, offering a two-year curriculum spanning from Grade 11 to Grade 12, with a current total of 72 students. The Middle Years Programme was initiated in September 2016, encompassing 167 MYP students from Grade 6 to Grade 9. The Primary Years Programme was initiated in September 2023 and currently accommodates approximately 6,60 children from K1 to G5.

In 2022, the school started to implement the Pre-IB programe for G10 students instead of the MYP Year 5 based on the actual challenges faced by the MYP students while they move up to the DP Programme. In order to build an effective bridge between MYP and DP studies by cultivating various academic abilities of students, the school specifically designed a course named 'Essential Academic Skills' in the Pre-IB program.


Students’ IB Journey at KCISEC





Educational Philosophy about IB

Introduction to IB Organization

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation founded in Geneva in 25 October 1968. It offers four highly respected programmes of international education, including Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (IBCP). These four programmes help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. More than 4,000 schools so far have chosen to teach International Baccalaureate programmes, with its unique academic rigour and its emphasis on students’ personal development. The IB World schools employ over 70,000 educators, teaching more than one million students worldwide.



Mission Statement

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.


The IB Learner Profile

The objective of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. IB learners strive to be:


IB Programme Exhibition




www.ibo.org– the IBO official website

www.ibo.org/myp/ – Middle Years Programme

http://www.ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/ – Diploma Programme

http://www.ibo.org/university-admission/recognition-of-the-ib-diploma-by-countries-and-universities – Recognition of the IBDP by Universities




IB Primary Years Programme

Kang Chiao International School East China Campus is a Candidate School for the Primary Years Programme. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Kang Chiao International School East China Campus believes is important for our students. Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org.

Introduction to IB Primary Years Programme(PYP)

The PYP is a curriculum framework for young learners aged 3–12. Like all International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, the IB learner profile permeates all facets of school life in the PYP. The PYP is based on the recognition of a child’s natural curiosity, creativity, and ability to reflect. It generates a stimulating, challenging learning environment to nurture the whole child and foster a lifelong love of learning for all. The PYP is transdisciplinary, meaning students learn across subject areas while inquiring into big ideas.


The Primary Years Programme Model


The IB standards offer rigorous guidelines that allow for school and classroom practices to align with the IB educational philosophy and values. The PYP is a framework for schools and their approach to learning and teaching. Students explore significant concepts through units of inquiry. The importance of traditional subject areas is acknowledged: Language; Mathematics; Social Studies; Science; Personal, Social, and Physical Education; and the Arts. However, it is also acknowledged that educating students is more holistic.
The PYP has six transdisciplinary themes that provide the framework for learning. These themes are globally significant and support the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, and skills of traditional subjects. They are revisited throughout the student’s time in the PYP.

The six transdisciplinary themes that guide units of inquiry in each school year are:


Inquiry-based Learning

Students in The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) classroom take ownership of their learning by wondering, exploring, learning, sharing, reflecting, and taking action in and beyond the school community. An inquiry-based unit of study, known as Units of Inquiry, incorporates all essential elements of PYP under the six transdisciplinary themes. In order to meet the various needs and interests of students, units of inquiry make the learning engaging, relevant to their life, challenging, and significant in a transdisciplinary model, which is globally significant and beyond the structured disciplinary subject areas throughout the primary years.

PYP Kindergarten

First semester:



Second semester:


PYP Kindergarten Timetable:



PYP G1-G5 Events


PYP G1-G5 Weekly Periods





IB Middle Years Programme

Introduction to IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Founded in 1994, the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) is designed for students aged 11 to 16. It provides a challenging framework that helps students to connect what they have learned in the classroom to the reality world. It aims to improve student’s communication skills, intercultural understanding and global engagement—essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders. The MYP is flexible enough to accommodate most national or local curriculum requirements. It prepares students to meet the academic challenges of the IB Diploma Programme (DP).


The Middle Years Programme Model


In the programme model for the MYP, the first ring around the student at the center describes the features of the programme that help students develop disciplinary understanding.

The second ring describes important outcomes of the MYP.

The third ring describes the MYP’s broad and balanced curriculum.


MYP Weekly Periods


Introduction of MYP Project

Creativity, Activity, Service, Service as action, Community Project are required courses of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP). They are not only just the core courses of the MYP but also are the featured courses of the IB Programmes in Kang Chiao International School East China Campus (KCISEC). MYP projects encourage students to reflect on their learning and the outcomes of their work – key skills that prepare them for success in further study, the workplace and the community.


Implementation of MYP Projects in KCISEC

According to the students' age and the knowledge that they have mastered, KCISEC IB Progrommes have classified the MYP Projects to three different project courses: Service as Action, Community Project.

Supervisors are responsible for teaching and providing advice for the students of each different MYP Project courses. Each supervisor will lead a group of at least 8 to 13 students, to help the students complete their projects course learning.


Service as Action

Service as Action (SA) is incorporated into the MYP to encourage G6-G8 students to think of themselves as thoughtful members of the local community and the larger world. The idea of becoming contributing members of our community is an important component of the IB MYP. The emphasis is on developing community awareness and concern and the skills needed to make an effective contribution to society.

Our G6-G8 students are currently working on: baking and selling cookies, filming anti-bullying micro cinema, promoting the importance of recycling, Christmas donations for the Xian Yang Home etc.


Community Project

Community Project (CP) is usually formed by the groups of three G9 students or individual work. The Community Project gives students the opportunity to work in an area of the community that interests them and allows students to give back and show awareness of the world around them.

Our G9 students are currently working on: promoting the stray animal protection, sex education, gender equality, and environmental protection. Community Project starts from their efforts to care for others and the issues around their lives. The students will attend a trip to the Children's Hospital for physically and mentally handicapped children; and also will visit nursing homes to serve the elderly and so on.




MYP Assessment Criteria and Grade Descriptions

MYP learning objectives are related to assessment criteria. The criteria for each subject group represent the use of knowledge, understanding and skills that must be taught. They encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive dimensions of knowledge.

The MYP assessment uses the MYP 1–7 scale and the grade boundary guidelines table that follows to determine final grades in each year of the MYP. The table provides a means of converting the criterion levels total into a grade based on a scale of 1–7.



IB Diploma Programme

Introduction to the IB Diploma Programme

The IB Diploma Programme (DP) at KCIS East China Campus offers a two-year Diploma Programme for Grades 11 and 12 students aged 16 to 19 since September 2015. It is an academically challenging and balanced education programme with final examinations that prepares students, for success at university and in life beyond. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students. The programme is widely recognized and respect by the leading universities.


The Diploma Programme Model

The Diploma Programme is made up of three cores and six subject groups. The three cores aim to broaden students’ academic knowledge and learning skills and to apply them into a real world.

The three cores are:

The six subject groups are:


The DP curriculum

KCIS East China Campus is currently offering a variety of courses of six DP subject groups along with the theory of knowledge, the creativity activity service and extended essay. Our course offerings for 2019 enrollment are listed in the below table, which may vary from year to year dependent upon student’s availability and interest.


External and Internal Assessment

The diploma programme conducts formal assessment. Formal assessment is defined as assessment directly contributing to the final diploma qualification. Most formal assessment is external, and includes examinations or work completed during the course and then sent to an external examiner. Some formal assessment is internal, requiring the teacher to mark the work before it is moderated by an external moderator. The IB uses both external and internal assessments in the DP.

1. External assessment

Examinations demonstrate the high levels of objectivity and reliability, which include:

2. Internal assessment

The internal assessments based on the DP subjects that student has chosen are required to be completed within student’s learning at KCIS East China Campus, which might include:

The marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest) with 4 considered the “passing grade”. In all IB subjects this grade is arrived at through internally as well as externally assessed or moderated work, throughout the two-year program with the final examination. Students can also be awarded up to three additional points for their combined results on theory of knowledge and the extended essay. The diploma is awarded to students who gain at least 24 points, subject to certain minimum levels of performance across the whole programme and to satisfactory participation in the creativity, activity, service requirement. The highest total that a DP student can be awarded is 45 points.

Following are the approximate grade scales used by the IB:


Graduation Requirements

The IB Diploma will be awarded to a candidate provided all the following requirements have been met.




IB Diploma Programme

Five more ways to emphasize your IB strengths

1. Highlight your advanced writing skills.Completing multiple essays comes easily to IB students given the emphasis the programme places on self-reflection and written expression. IB students can capitalize further on this by using the interdisciplinary model of learning to respond to admissions questions from multiple perspectives.

2. Consider universities that accept individual portfolios.Some universities allow students to submit individual portfolios of work. The DP programmes place emphasis on the development of a student’s abilities over time. IB students will have amassed a significant body of work in their personal portfolios and in the MYP personal project. Portfolio-based applications allow admission officers to understand how an IB student is reflective and critical in their work.

3. Nail the interview. DP students give multiple presentations over their two-year course work. The confidence and experience they develop in these public speaking opportunities will translate into a big advantage when interviewing for university admission, internships and work. Don’t forget to mention your creativity, activity, service (CAS) project in addition to your academic credentials.

4. Recommendation letters that pack a punch.The recommendation letter remains a pivotal component of the application package. When soliciting recommendation letters that stand out, consider providing your teachers with an easy-to-reference profile of your high school history beyond academics. Include your extended essay topic, your personal project topic, your CAS project, foreign language abilities, and participation in any international programmes of study, extra-curricular activities and course workload.

5. Show global perspective.IB students have a strong sense of their cultural identity and respect the values and differences of other cultures. Trained to think globally and act locally, IB students are required to participate in civic engagement through a community service project that ties into some aspect of their coursework.


10 reasons - Why the IB Diploma Programme (DP) is ideal preparation for university




IB Advantages

    The IB programmes aim to do more than other curricula. Our four programmes develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are motivated to succeed. The IB gives students distinct advantages by building their critical thinking skills, nurturing their curiosity and their ability to solve complex problems.

    We strive to develop students who will build a better world through intercultural understanding and respect, alongside a healthy appetite for learning and excellence.

    IB programme frameworks can operate effectively with national curricula across all school ages; more than half of IB World Schools are state-funded.

    The IB's programmes are different from other curricula because they:

A continuum of international education

    IB provides a continuum of education, consisting of four programmes that are united by the IB's philosophy and approaches to learning and teaching. The programmes encourage both personal and academic achievement, challenging students to excel in their studies and in their personal development.


Quality practice

    IB programmes incorporate quality practice from national and international research and the IB global community. They encourage students to be internationally-minded, within a complex and hyper-connected world.


Students learn how to learn

    Throughout all IB programmes, students develop approaches to learning skills and the attributes of the IB learner profile. The IB learner is positively challenged to think critically and to learn in a flexible environment crossing disciplinary, cultural and national boundaries.

    IB students take responsibility for their own learning and understand how knowledge itself is constructed, underpinned by our unique theory of knowledge (TOK) course.

Our programmes help IB students:

IB programmes also encourage students to be active in their communities and to take their learning beyond academic study.

International Baccalaureate: Empowering Learners to Thrive and Make a Difference




KCISEC IB Policies

KCISEC Academic Honesty Policy

KCISEC Admissions Policy

KCISEC Assessment Policy

KCISEC Inclusive Education_Policy

KCISEC Language_Policy


Public Communication

For more information about the IB programmes, please scan the QR Code below to add the official Wechat account of the IB Office.