News & Events

2021-2022 KCIS Second Semester School Calendar (Student Version)

Release time:2022-01-21
2020-2021学年第二学期  昆山康桥学校 行事历(学生版)
2020-2021 KCIS Second Semester School Calendar (Students Version)
  WK M T W Th F Sa Su School Activities 重要行事- 中学部
Feb. WK 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ▲ 2/7 中师,外师返校 Workday for Chinese and Foreign teacher
▲ 2/8-16 开放艺文中心琴房申请 The performing arts piano room start to apply(艺文中心)
▲ 2/12-13 管弦乐团、合唱团、絲竹乐团寒假集训 Winter Camp for the School Orchestra,Chorus and Chinese Ensemble(艺文中心)
WK1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ▲ 2/14 开学日 First Day of School
▲ 2/14 开学典礼 Opening Ceremony(活动组)
▲ 2/14 IB G6&7电脑使用规范宣导IB G6&7 Computer standards Session (IB in different classrooms)
▲ 2/14-18 开学还书周 Returning Books Week(IB 图书组 Library)
▲ 2/14-21 开放艺文中心小课申请 The performing arts after-class course start to apply(艺文中心)
▲ 2/14-28 开放乐器借放空间申请 The storage space for Musical Instruments start to apply(艺文中心)
▲ 2/15 IGCSE学生集会#1 IGCSE Student Assembly #1 (A-Level)
▲ 2/15-17 学生晚课宣讲 Promotion for Evening Courses(语言中心)
▲ 2/16 防灾演练(晚间宿舍防灾演练)The Earthquake and Fire Drill(德育组)
▲ 2/16 弹性时间语法班二考 Middle school Grammar test for the 2nd chance(语言中心)
▲ 2/18 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 学术检查点 #1 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Academic Check-Point #1 (IB)
WK2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ▲ 初中教务处中文晚间课程开课(G7G8综合组)
▲ 2/21 一对一开课 One on one class start(语言中心)
▲ 2/21 (暂定)根据集会时间,安排一人一才艺倡导讲座 Performing Arts advocates a lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 2/21 艺文中心晚间小课开始上课 The performing arts after-class course begins(艺文中心)
▲ 2/21 晚间琴房开放使用 The piano room is open for use(艺文中心)
▲ 2/21 托雅社团开课 TOEFL IELTS club starts classes (语言中心)
▲ 2/21 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 2/21 G9-G12 社团课程开始 First club class of G9-G12(活动组)
▲ 2/21 志工开始服务Starting of Volunteers Service(IB-图书组 Library)
▲ 2/21 状元养成班开课 Gifted Programme Classes Begins(学术专案组)
▲ 2/21-3/3 IB G11 专题论文第一次反思会议 IB G11 EE first reflection meeting(IB)
▲ 2/22 G6-G8 社团课程开始 First club class of G6-G8(活动组)
▲ 2/22 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 2/22 (暂定)根据集会时间,安排一人一才艺倡导讲座 Performing Arts advocates a lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 2/22 管弦乐团、合唱团和丝竹乐团晨练开始 Orchestra,Chorus and Chinese Ensemble start rehearsing(艺文中心)
▲ 2/22 新生艺文护照补发 Art passports reissue for new students(艺文中心)
▲ 2/22 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 #1 IB G11 CAS Assembly #1(IB)
▲ 2/23 IB & IGCSE 学生集会 #1 IB & IGCSE Student Assembly #1 (G6-12)(IB & IGCSE)
▲ 2/23(暂定)G8升G9学生说明会G8 student briefing(注册组)
▲ 2/23 弹性时间语法班开课 Grammar class starts (语言中心)
▲ 2/24 庆生会活动 birthday celebration(德育组)
▲ 2月健康教育课 Health Education Class (保健组)
Mar. WK3 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 ▲ 2/21-3/3 IB G11 专题论文第一次反思会议 IB G11 EE first reflection meeting(IB)
▲ 2/28 晚课开课Evening Courses Start(语言中心)
▲ 2/28 G10-G11英语单词测试(1) G10-G11 English vocabulary test(1)(语言中心)
▲ 2/28 (暂定)根据集会时间,安排一人一才艺倡导讲座 Performing Arts advocates a lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 2/28 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/1 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/1 (暂定)根据集会时间,安排一人一才艺倡导讲座 Performing Arts advocates a lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 3/1 G6-G9英语单词测试(1)G6-G9 English vocabulary test(1) (语言中心)
▲ 3/1-2 G10 生涯辅导课程 Topic 4- Standardized Test(升学辅导组)
▲ 3/3 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory officials meeting(德育组)
WK4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ▲ 3/7 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/7-11 新生适应测验 New student adaptation test (心辅组School counseling division)
▲ 3/7-11 IB G12 学生艺术展 IB G12 Studnent Visual Arts Exhibition(IB)
▲ 3/8 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/8-9(暂定)21秋奖学金颁奖典礼2021 Autumn semester Scholarship Award Ceremony(注册组)
▲ 3/9 IB G11 TOK模拟成果展 IB G11 TOK Mock Exhibition (IB)
▲ 3/10 庆生会活动 birthday celebration(德育组)
▲ 3/10 9升10课程分流意向截止日 G10 Course selection deadline(注册组)
▲ 3/11 22春多子女优惠申请 2022 Spring semester Multi-Child Discount Application(注册组)
▲ 3/11(暂定)国际艺术设计专业讲座 The International Art Design Lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 3/11 初中融合班G8家长开放日 Middle School Open Day(初中教务处)
▲ 3/11 G8升G9家长说明会 G8 parent briefing(注册组)
▲ 3/11-13 2022 FTC机器人比赛杭州站 2021 FIRST Tech Challenge Robot  Competition(学术专案组)
▲ 3/12 G6 第二次探索戶外实践课程 The 2nd time of G6 Adventure Education Activity
▲ 3/12-13 2021-2022 全球发明大会上海赛 Invention Convention Worldwide (学术专案组)
▲ 3/12-13 苏州四市学生信息素养提升实践活动现场赛联赛 2021 Suzhou Information Literacy Enhancement Practice Activities (学术专案组)
▲ 3/13 2022 IEO经济奥林匹克区域赛 2022 International Economics Olympiad (学术专案组)
WK5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ▲ 3/14 G10-G11英语单词测试(2) G10-G11 English vocabulary test(2) (语言中心)
▲ 3/14 G8集会--仪态竞赛 G8 Assembly--Etiquette competition(德育组)
▲ 3/15 G12集会 G12 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/15 G6-G9英语单词测试(2) G6-G9 English vocabulary test(2) (语言中心)
▲ 3/16-25 IB G12 模拟考试 IB G12 Mock Exam(IB)
▲ 3/17(暂定)国际艺术设计体验课程 International Art Design Experience Course(艺文中心)
▲ 3/18 G6升G7暑期家长宣讲会14:00-15:00;G6 up to G7 students’ Parents Presentations of Summer Bridging Course (语言中心)
▲ 3/19-20 G9徒步行前訓練 The Prep Training for G9 Elite Course (活動組)
▲ 3/19-20 CTB全球创新研究大挑战--中国站(暂定)China Thinks Big(学术专案组)
▲ 3月健康教育课 Health Education Class (保健组)
WK6 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ▲ (待定)校際交流演出(艺文中心) Inter-school Exchange Performance
▲ 3/16-25 IB G12 模拟考试 IB G12 Mock Exam(IB)
▲ 3/21 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/21 G6&G7集会--仪态竞赛 G6.7 Assembly--Etiquette competition(德育组)
▲ 3/22 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/23 英文演讲与辩论初赛-Invite English Speech and Debate Association training(语言中心)
▲ 3/25-27 2022 FTC机器人比赛分站赛 2021 FIRST Tech Challenge Robot  Competition(学术专案组)
WK7 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 ▲ 3/28 G10-G11英语单词测试(3) G10-G11 English vocabulary test(3) (语言中心)
▲ 3/28 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/28-4/2 IGCSE学术检查点#1 IGCSE Academic Check Point#1 (A-Level)
▲ 3/28-4/8 IB G12 CAS(创造、行动与服务)进度检查点 IB G12 CAS Check Point(IB)
▲ 3/29 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 #2 IB G11 CAS Assembly #2(IB)
▲ 3/29 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/29 G6-G9英语单词测试(3) G6-G9 English vocabulary test(3)(语言中心)
▲ 3/30 第三届校内学术竞赛个人赛 School academic competition(学术专案组)
▲ 3/31 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation(德育组)
▲ 3/31 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory officials meeting(德育组)
▲ 3/31-4/7 一人一才艺期中考 Performing arts midterm exams(艺文中心)
▲ 4/2 补课/班日 Make up Day(清明节Tomb-sweeping Day)
▲ 4/2 美高G10-G12家长开放日 DAA Open Day Grades 10-12 Friday Schedule
▲ 4/3-5 清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day(Holiday)
▲ 4/3-5全美经济学挑战赛中国站 National Economics Challenge China(学术专案组)
Apr. WK8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▲ 3/31-4/7 一人一才艺期中考 Performing arts midterm exams(艺文中心)
▲ 4/3-5 清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day(Holiday)
▲ 4/6 欧几里得数学竞赛 Euclid Math Competition (学术专案组)
▲ 4/7-16 G9西游记菁英课程 The G9 Elite Course Journey to West (活动组)
▲ 4/8 IB G6&8 家长开放日IB G6&8 Parents Open Day(IB)
▲ 4/8(暂定)国际音乐培优讲座 The International Music Training Program Lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 4/9 G6 第三次探索戶外实践课程 The 3rd time of G6 Adventure Education Activity
▲ 4/9-10 2022 FLL机器人比赛 2022 FIRST LEGO League Robot  Competition(学术专案组)
WK9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ▲ 4/11 G10-G11英语单词测试(4) G10-G11 English vocabulary test(4) (语言中心)
▲ 4/11 G6&G7集会--禁毒讲座 G6&G7 Assembly--Anti-drug Lecture(德育组)
▲ 4/11 G9-G12 社团期中测评 Club Mid grades of G9-G12(活动组)
▲ 4/11-15 IB MYP 学生读书周 IB MYP Students Book Week (MYP Students Only)(IB)
▲ 4/11-15 美高期中考试周 DAA Midterm Week
▲ 4/12 G6-G8 社团期中测评 Club Mid grades of G6-G8(活动组)
▲ 4/12 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 4/12 G6-G9英语单词测试(4) G6-G9 English vocabulary test(4) (语言中心)
▲ 4/12-13 G10 生涯辅导课程 Topic 5-Online Application Platform(升学辅导组)
▲ 4/13 生活竞赛餐会 The Monthly Banquet for the champions of the Tidiness and Discipline Competition(德育组)
▲ 4/13 第三届校内学术竞赛团队赛 School academic competition(学术专案组)
▲ 4/14 庆生会活动 birthday celebration(德育组)
▲ 4/15 IB G10-12 家长开放日活动 IB G10-12 Parents Open Day (IB)
▲ 4/16 袋鼠数学竞赛 Math Kangaroo(学术专案组)
▲ 4/16-17 江苏省中小学信息素养提升实践活动 Jiangsu Province Primary and Secondary School Information Literacy Improvement Practice Activities(学术专案组)
WK10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ▲ 4/18-5/8 IGCSE模拟测验 IGCSE Mock Exam (A-Level)
▲ 4/18 托雅社团期中考试 TOEFL IELTS club mid-term examination(语言中心)
▲ 4/18-22 晚课期中考 Evening Courses Mid-term (语言中心)
▲ 4/19 IGCSE学生集会#2 IGCSE Student Assembly #2 (A-Level)
▲ 4/18-22: Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 期中考试 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Mid-Term Exam (IB)
▲ 4/22 IB G6&7 IB G6&7 学术检查点 #1 Academic Check-Point #1(IB)
▲ 4/22 IGCSE家长开放日 IGCSE Parent Open Day (A-Level)
▲ 4/20 英文演讲与辩论复赛-Invite English Speech and Debate Association training(语言中心)
▲ 4/20 职业博览会Career Expo. (心辅组School counseling division)
▲ 4/24 补课/班日 Make up Day(DAA Friday Schedule/End of Q3)
▲ 游泳期中考试,游泳比赛形式(泳训组)Midterm Exams(Swimming Competition)
▲ 4月健康教育课 Health Education Class (保健组)
WK11 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 ▲ 4/18-5/8 IGCSE模拟测验 IGCSE Mock Exam (A-Level)
▲ 4/25 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 4/25-28 IGCSE学术检查点#2 IGCSE Academic Check Point#2 (A-Level)
▲ 4/26 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 4/26 IB G8&9 学术检查点 #2 IB G8&9 Academic Check-Point #2(IB)
▲ 4/26 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 #3 IB G11 CAS Assembly #3(IB)
▲ 4/27-29 G6 徽杭古道 Huihang Ancient Road Elite Course
▲ 4/28 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation(德育组)
▲ 4/28 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory officials meeting(德育组)
▲ 4/28-5/20 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam(IB)
▲ 4/29 IB G7&9 家长开放日活动 IB G7&9 Parents Open Day(IB)
▲ 4/29 心辅家长沙龙 Counseling Parent Salon(心辅组School counseling division)
▲ 4/30-5/2 USAP美国学术五项全能赛--中国站 United States Acdemic Pentathlon China(学术专案组)
▲ 4/30-5/2 USAD美国学术十项全能赛--中国站 United States Acdemic Decathlon China(学术专案组)
▲ 4/30-5/4 五一劳动节International Workers' Day(Holiday)
May. WK12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ▲ 4/18-5/8 IGCSE模拟测验 IGCSE Mock Exam (A-Level)
▲ 4/28-5/20 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam (IB)
▲ 5/5-13 二手书验证 Verification of Second-Hand Books (IB-图书组 Library)
▲ 5/7 补课日 Makeup day(DAA Wednesday Schedule)
WK13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ▲ 4/28-5/20 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam (IB)
▲ 5/9-6/9 IGCSE全球大考 IGCSE Exam 2022 (A-Level)
▲ 5/5-13 二手书验证 Verification of Second-Hand Books(IB-图书组 Library)
▲ 5/9 G10-G11 英语单词测试(5) G10-G11 English vocabulary test(5)(语言中心)
▲ 5/9 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 5/9 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 学术检查点 #2 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Academic Check-Point #2 (IB)
▲ 5/9 IB G11 专题论文报告会 IB G11 EE café(IB)
▲ 5/10 G6-G9 英语单词测试(5) G6-G9 English vocabulary test(5)(语言中心)
▲ 5/10-11 G10 生涯辅导课程 Topic 6-G11/G12 Schedule(升学辅导组)
▲ 5/12 庆生会活动 Birthday Celebration(德育组)
▲ 5/13-19 G12毕业生图书归还 Return of books by G12 Graduates(IB-图书组 Library)
▲ 5/14 校庆 2022 School Celebration
▲ 5/14-15 全国中小学信息素养提升实践活动 Practical activities to improve information literacy in primary and secondary schools nationwide (学术专案组)
WK14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ▲ 4/28-5/20 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam(IB)
▲ 5/9-6/9 IGCSE全球大考 IGCSE Exam 2022 (A-Level)
▲ 5/16 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 5/16-27 IB G11第二次CAS(创造、行动与服务)面谈 IB G11 the 2nd CAS interview (IB)
▲ 5/17 艺文护照缴交 Collect students' performing arts passports(艺文中心)
▲ 5/17 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 5/17-18 G10 生涯辅导课程调查问卷 Questionnaire survey(升学辅导组)
▲ 5/18 英文演讲与辩论决赛-Invite English Speech and Debate Association training(语言中心)
▲ 5/18 生活竞赛餐会 The Monthly Banquet for the champions of the Tidiness and Discipline Competition(德育组)
▲ 5/19-26 (G12成绩结算前一周)一人一才艺期末考 The Performing Arts Final Exams(艺文中心)
▲ 5/21 G7 地奥野外视察 Geography Research Activities (学术专案组)
▲ 5/22 G8 地奥野外视察 Geography Research Activities (学术专案组)
▲ 5/21-22 全球发明大会中国赛 Invention Convention Worldwide(学术专案组)
▲ (待定)校際交流演出 Inter-school Exchange Performance(艺文中心)
▲ 5月健康教育课 Health Education Class (保健组)
WK15 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ▲ 5/9-6/9 IGCSE全球大考 IGCSE Exam 2022 (A-Level)
▲ 5/19-26 (G12成绩结算前一周)一人一才艺期末考 The Performing Arts Final Exams(艺文中心)
▲ 5/23 G10-G11英语单词测试(6) G10-G11 English vocabulary test(6)(语言中心)
▲ 5/23 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 5/24 G12集会 G12 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 5/24 G6-G9英语单词测试(6) G6-G9 English vocabulary test(6)(语言中心)
▲ 5/24-25 IB G12第三次CAS(创造、行动与服务)面谈 IB G12 the 3rd CAS interview (IB)
▲ 5/26 第六届12年级毕业生毕业晚会 The Sixth Graduation Party of G12(活动组)
▲ 5/26 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation(德育组)
▲ 5/26 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory officials meeting(德育组)
▲ 5/27 重修课程名单科目确定 The retake courses List account confirmation(语言中心)
▲ 5/28 G9&G10 地奥野外视察 Geography Research Activities (学术专案组)
▲ KCIS Got Talent Grades 789(G9外语组)
Jun. WK16 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 ▲ 5/9-6/9 IGCSE全球大考 IGCSE Exam 2022 (A-Level)
▲ 5/30 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 5/30-6/2 美高G12期末考试周 DAA G12 Finals Week
▲ 5/31 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 5/31 IGCSE学生集会#3 IGCSE Student Assembly #3 (A-Level)
▲ 6/2 G12毕业典礼 G12 Graduation(活动组)
▲ 6/3-5 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival(Holiday)
WK17 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 ▲ 5/9-6/9 IGCSE全球大考 IGCSE Exam 2022 (A-Level)
▲ 6/6 G10-G11英语单词测试(7) G10-G11 English vocabulary test(7) (语言中心)
▲ 6/6 晚间琴房停止使用 The Piano Room is closed at evening(艺文中心)
▲ 6/6 艺文中心晚间小课停课 The performing arts after-class course is over(艺文中心)
▲ 6/6 G8 集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 6/6-10 晚课期末考 Evening Courses Final Exam (语言中心)
▲ 6/7 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 6/7 G6-G9英语单词测试(7) G6-G9 English vocabulary test(7) (语言中心)
▲ 6/7 IGCSE全学科会议 #9 IGCSE Grade-level Meeting #9 (A-Level)
▲ 6/9 一人一才艺期末成果展 Performing Arts Program Final Presentation(艺文中心)
▲ 6/9 庆生会活动 birthday celebration(德育组)
▲ 6/9-17 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 期末考试 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Final Exam (IB)
▲ 6/10 管弦乐团、合唱团、丝竹乐团停练 Orchestra,Chorus and Chinese Ensemble stop rehearsing(艺文中心)
▲ 游泳期末测验,1小时长泳测验和升帽色考试 Swimming Final Exams & one hour Long-distance swimming Final Exams(泳训组)
WK18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ▲ 6/9-17 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 期末考试 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Final Exam (IB)
▲ 6/13 国际艺术养成班课程停课 The International Art class is over(艺文中心)
▲ 6/13 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 6/13 G9-G12 社团期末测评 Club final evaluation of G9-G12(活动组)
▲ 6/13-17 晚课结束 Evening Courses Finsih (语言中心)
▲ 6/14 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 6/14 G6-G8 社团期末测评 Club final evaluation of G6-G8(活动组)
▲ 6/15 G6-G12动态成果展 Dynamic club final presentation of G6-G12(活动组)
▲ 6/15 生活竞赛餐会 The Monthly Banquet for the champions of the Tidiness and Discipline Competition(德育组)
▲ 6/17-19 卓越三国训练营 Excellent Three Kingdoms Service Learning Training Camp (活动组)
▲ 6月健康教育课 Health Education Class (保健组)
▲ 初中教务处中文晚间课程停课(G7G8综合组)
WK19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ▲ 状元养成班停课 Gifted Programme Classes End(学术专案组)
▲ 6/20 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 6/20-22 IB G11 自然科学研究项目成果展 IB G11 Group 4 project (IB)
▲ 6/20-24 G6-G12静态社团成果展(暂定)Club presentation (tentative) of G6-G12(活动组)
▲ 6/22 IB 学生集会 #2 IB Student Assembly #2 (G6-9)(IB)
▲ 6/23 IB G11 认识论成果展 IB G11 TOK Exhibition (IB)
▲ 6/23 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory officials meeting(德育组)
▲ 6/23 创客班期末成果展 Maker Class Exhibition(学术专案组)
▲ 6/24 心辅家长沙龙 Counseling Parent Salon(心辅组School counseling division)
▲ 6/24 IB G6-9学术观察点 #2 IB G6-9 Academic Check Point #2 (IB)
WK20 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 ▲ 6/27-30 美高期末考试周 DAA G10&G11 Finals Week
▲ 6/27-7/1 学生暑期借书周 Students borrowing books for summer vacation (IB-图书组 Library)
▲ 6/28 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 #4 IB G11 CAS Assembly #4 (IB)
▲ 6/29 IB Spirit day (IB)
▲ 6/29 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation(德育组)
▲ 6/28-30 初中期末考试 Middle School Final Exam(初中教务处)
▲ 6/30 结业典礼 Closing Ceremony(活动组)
▲ 7/1 暑假开始 Summer Holiday
Jul. WK 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▲ 7/4 演说辩论营/托雅冲刺班/重修班开课 NSDA/TOEFL/IELTS/VHS courses start(语言中心)
▲ 7/5 IB DP五月大考成绩公布 IB DP May Exam Results Day(IB)
▲ 7/8-10 2022 FTC机器人比赛中国站 2021 FIRST Tech Challenge Robot  Competition China(学术专案组)
WK 11 12 13 14 15 16 17  
WK 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ▲ 7/18-8/12 学术夏令营 Academic summer camp(语言中心)
WK 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Aug. WK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
WK 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
WK 15 16 17 18 19 20 21  
WK 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ▲ 8/25 IGCSE成绩公布 IGCSE Results Day
WK 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 ▲ 9/1发放晚课资料 Distribution of Evening Courses materials (语言中心)